Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Justification of Web2.0 tools at EHMS

Every time I open a magazine or go to a web site, I see evidence of web2.0 tools. I am catching up on reading (even re-reading) professional journals this summer and there are references to using social software in schools and libraries in every issue. When I start searching on the web for curriculum ideas, there are hundreds (thousands) of ideas.

For a school, cost is of utmost concern. Not only for the initial implementation of the new programs but for the renewal costs each subsequent year. The Web2.0 tools we looked at in class are free or have nominal costs to upgrade. To quote Prof. G's mom, "If it is free, it's for me!" The equipment costs are also nominal-headset and digital recorder. We already have digital cameras in school.

The report from PewInternet on Teenage Life Online found here illustrates the wide spread use of the internet and social networking sites. If schools can use the same resources to teach, enhance, and expand current curriculum, hopefully we will be reinforcing appropriate uses of the technology as well as teaching valuable technology literacy skills for future careers.

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